Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Visiting Children’s Hospital is one of the high lights of my life. I donate about all my time to organizations that could use cheering up, but going to the hospital is about my favorite places. One year we had  Sheriff John Whetsel and I held camp Cavet for children. we had pony rides, trick roping and many other events. Even the National guard got involved and brought a helicopter and give rides. The camp was named after the Chaplin of the hospital. I love to go and be there for them and I’m looking forward to my next trip.  I take toys like baseballs that have OU printed on them, OU pillows, OU teddy bears, trick ropes and other toys. I go and play with them and teach them to trick rope and tell them Wild West stories. I have visited the transplant unit, the cancer center and was part of the new Troy Aikman center grand opening. Troy was there himself and has been of assistance in the past for the pay area. Going there brings back memories of my stay in the hospital as a child. I spent about a year in an oxygen tent because I was so sick. It was hard but my dad’s cowboy buddies came to visit me and I got a cowboy hat a toy cap gun and a small trick rope to pass time. After my stay in the hospital I try to never taken life for granted, and try to bring smiles to the hospital every time I get a chance.

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